Sunday, February 28, 2021

NEW Zoom Information and this week's schedule:

 NEW Zoom Information and this week's schedule:

All previous zoom links are canceled. Instead there will be ONE Zoom link for all Services, and all Classes. For security reasons we will change it each week 

One Link To Rule Them All (Sorry Mr. Tolkein):

Dial in    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 886 9322 9439 Passcode: 248365 
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Schedule Monday 3/01
1. Morning services @ 7AM by Zoom:

2. New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM

3. Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.


Tuesday 3/02
1. Morning services @ 7AM by Zoom:

2. New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM

3. No Yiddish Class . Mrs. Yaffe is attending the Brit of our New grandson (Thank G-d)

4.. Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.

5. Haftarah -in Depth  7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 


Wednesday 3/03
Morning services @ 7AM by Zoom
No Classes Wednesday 

Thursday 3/04
Morning services by Zoom @ 7AM 

Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud  8:30 - 9AM

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365

Friday 3/05 
Morning Services @7:00AM on Zoom

Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud  8:30 -9AM

Fast 15 -Minute  Lunch N Learn  12:30- 12:45pm
We'll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. 

Mincha 5:20PM  Candle Lighting 5:26PM
If you are attending any live services please review this COVID form - if it's not Shabbat please sign a copy upon attending or sign it and send it to us via email

Follow our website and blog at:
Our Calendar is Here:

Friday, February 19, 2021

Eruv is still Down! - Friday 2/19-20 ~ 7-8 Adar Erev Shabbat Terumah - Zachor

 Eruv is still Down!  - Friday 2/19-20 ~ 7-8 Adar Erev 

Shabbat Terumah  - Zachor
Mincha 5:00PM  Candle Lighting 5:10PM
It's important to come hear Parshat Zachor this week - ONLY if your physician says it's OK
Shabbat  Day Zachor  2/20
1. Morning Services 9 AM 
Please recite all prayers  (except Baruch She'amar)  until Mizmor Shir l'yom Hashabbat before arriving at Synagogue . We begin with Baruch She'amar and Mizmor Shir
2.  Mincha followed by ma'ariv 4:45PM
3. Motzei Shabbat- Shabbat ends 6:15PM 


Havdalah and a deeper dive into today's sermon topic on Facebook Live Saturday Night  2/20 @ 6:40 PM and on zoom    Please NOTE NEW LINK
Call in Number: 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 892 2349 0498
Passcode: 248365

Purim is Coming Please Register by Monday, Feb. 22nd!!!
Purim Megilah Reading and Shabbat /Mishloach Manot Drive-by!  
We will be providing Mishloach Manot as well as soup, challah, grape juice, hummus, and a do-it-yourself service to add to your Purim/Shabbat table.

We are asking you to please consider making your yearly Mishloach Manot donation which is one of the mitzvot of Purim.  Suggested donation - $18 
      (no later than Monday, Feb. 22nd)

If you have already given a donation, we thank you and hope you will be picking up your special basket.  Please let us know if you are not able to pick up and we will arrange to deliver it to you!

We are grateful to the Rekindle Shabbat program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation for generously sponsoring this Shabbat /Purim basket.
Purim Same’ach – We wish everyone a safe and healthy Purim!

Weekly Schedule:
Sunday  2/21

1. Sunday Shacharit  -live service in Synagogue's  social hall@ 8AM.
Also on FB live and zoom:
Password: 248365
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 876 5474 9537 Password: 248365

Reading /discussion group on Halachic Man by Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik - one of the most important works on Jewish thought in the last century. If you didn't get the book yet you can read it here:
You do need to sign up -free of charge. 

We will also post it online during the class. 
Link for class
By Phone: 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 879 0001 2312 Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Monday 2/22
1. Morning services @ 7AM by Zoom:
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365  
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm

Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Tuesday 2/23
1. Morning services by Zoom:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

2. New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365  
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

3. Chanie Yaffe's Yiddish Class and Conversation Group  11:15 AM Note New Time
This interactive group explores the rich tradition of the Yiddish language.
Please note new Zoom link:
Dial in: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 881 5534 9161 Passcode: 248365

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New Class! Explore The Haftarot!
Haftarah -in Depth  7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Wednesday 2/24
Morning services by Zoom 7AM:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365 
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New!  Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.

Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Thursday 2/25 -Fast of Esther
Fast Begins 5:00 AM Fast ends 6:07PM
but you should hear Megillah before breaking the fast)

Morning services and Selichot in Social Hall and by Zoom @ 7AM

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password:

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 

9:00 - 9:30AM - Note time change!
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute Non  Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm (It's a fast day!)
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

No more classes until next week -but Purim!


Thursday , February 25th

Mincha 4:30 PM in Social Hall

Purim Maariv  & Megillah reading at CBT and Zoom 6:05PM

We will also come to your house , stand outside and read Megillah for you. 

Zoom link:
Call in Number: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 892 2349 0498 Passcode: 248365

Note:One does not properly fulfill the Mitzvah of hearing megillah by Zoom
 Zoom link  is only for those who cannot have us come over and if your Dr. says you can't come to the synagogue. It's a "better than nothing" situation

Friday, February 26th Purim Shacharit & Megillah reading at CBT and Zoom 7:00am

Drive-in Megillah reading- 10:30am  

Mishloach Manot/ Shabbat pick-up 11:15am

We will come to your house , stand outside and read Megillah for you. 
Zoom link:
Call in Number: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 892 2349 0498 Passcode: 248365

Note:One does not properly fulfill the Mitzvah of hearing megillah by Zoom
 Zoom link  is only for those who cannot have us come over and if your Dr. says you can't come to the synagogue. It's a "better than nothing" situation

Purim Seudah should be eaten before 1PM  -
If you can't -  finish as early as possible & make sure to finish to be in time for Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday 2/26 Mincha 445PM - please be prompt

Candlelighting 4:53 PM 

if you are attending any live services please review this COVID form - if it's not Shabbat please sign a copy upon attending or sign it and send it to us via email

Follow our website and blog at:
Our Calendar is Here:

Aggada of the Talmud: Was Vashti that bad? Find out!

 Was Vashti that bad? Find out!

Friday, February 5, 2021

Shabbat and the coming week / Eruv is still down

 Eruv is Down!  - We are making progress!

Friday 2/05 - 23  Shevat, Erev Shabbat Yitro
Shabbat Mevarchim Adar
Mincha 4:45PM  Candle Lighting 4:53PM


This Shabbat in the Torah reading we read about the receiving of the Torah -the single most important thing the ever happened.  

Shabbat  Day Yitro 2/6
1. Morning Services 9 AM 
Please recite all prayers  (except Baruch She'amar)  until Mizmor Shir l'yom Hashabbat before arriving at Synagogue . We begin with Baruch She'amar and Mizmor Shir
2.  Mincha followed by ma'ariv 4:30  PM
3. Motzei Shabbat- Shabbat ends 5:57PM 


Havdalah and a deeper dive into today's sermon topic on Facebook Live Saturday Night  2/6 @ 6:15 PM and on zoom    Please NOTE NEW LINK
Call in Number: 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 892 2349 0498
Passcode: 248365

Sunday  2/07
1. Sunday Shacharit  -live service in Synagogue's  social hall@ 8AM.
Also on FB live and zoom:
Password: 248365
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 876 5474 9537 Password: 248365

Reading /discussion group on Halachic Man by Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik - one of the most important works on Jewish thought in the last century. If you didn't get the book yet you can read it here:
You do need to sign up -free of charge. 

We will also post it online during the class. 
Link for class
By Phone: 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 879 0001 2312 Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Monday 2/08 
1. Morning services @ 7AM by Zoom:
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

No classes today

Tuesday 2/09
1. Morning services by Zoom:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

2. New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365  
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

3. Chanie Yaffe's Yiddish Class and Conversation Group  11:15 AM Note New Time
This interactive group explores the rich tradition of the Yiddish language.
Please note new Zoom link:
Dial in: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 881 5534 9161 Passcode: 248365

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New Class! Explore The Haftarot!
Haftarah -in Depth  7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Wednesday 2/10 
Morning services by Zoom 7AM:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365 
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New!  Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.

Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Thursday 2/11
Morning services by Zoom @ 7AM

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password:

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Friday 2/12 Rosh Chodesh Adar

Morning Services @7:00AM on Zoom

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
9 - 9:30 AM - 
Please note time change due to Rosh Chodesh
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password 248365 
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute  Lunch N Learn  12:30- 12:45pm
We'll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Mincha 4:55PM  Candle Lighting 5:01PM

if you are attending any live services please review this COVID form - if it's not Shabbat please sign a copy upon attending or sign it and send it to us via email

Follow our website and blog at:
Our Calendar is Here: