Friday, January 29, 2021

Eruv is still DOWN -Schedule for this Shabbat and coming week

 Eruv is Down!  - Still Working on Complex Repairs

Friday 1/29 - 16 Shevat, Erev Shabbat Beshalach
Shabbat Shira
Mincha 4:35  Candle Lighting 4:43


This Shabbat in the Torah reading we read the Song of the Sea, The Song of Miriam and in the Haftarah the Song of Devorah  it is therefore called Shabbat Shira the "Shabbat of Song"

On Shabbat Shirah, when we read about the manna that Hashem provided for the Jewish people, it is customary to put out food for the birds on Erev Shabbat as a reward for the Kiddush Hashem they brought about. (ר' מאיר מפרימישלאן זצ"ל)

The Maharal of Prague would instruct the teachers of young children to gather their students in the shul yard on the eve of Shabbat Shira and relate to them the story of Kriat Yam Suf — the splitting of the sea. They were also to tell the children that at that time Hashem performed a miracle and trees with beautiful fruit grew in the sea (see Midrash Rabbah 22:1). When the Jews sang the Shirah, the birds sang and danced. The Jewish children picked fruits from the trees and fed the birds. To commemorate this event, we put out food for the birds Erev Shabbat Shirah

The teachers would give them kasha (buckwheat) to throw to the birds. And afterward the Maharal would bless the children and also the parents that they should merit to see their children embark on Torah, marriage and good deeds. 

Some have the custom to feed wheat to the birds in honor of  Shabbat Shirah. 
(From  the website "Shirat Devorah")

In all cases if leaving any food out for birds it is crucial to put it out before Shabbat begins on Friday so as not to impact Shabbat observance! 
This is because 1) No Eruv and 2) We may not feed wild birds or animals that don't belong to us on Shabbat 

Shabbat  Day Be'Shalach 1/30
1. Morning Services 9 AM 
Please recite all prayers  (except Baruch She'amar)  until Mizmor Shir l'yom Hashabbat before arriving at Synagogue . We begin with Baruch She'amar and Mizmor Shir
2.  Mincha followed by ma'ariv 4:30  PM
3. Motzei Shabbat- Shabbat ends 5:48PM 


Havdalah and a deeper dive into today's sermon topic on Facebook Live Saturday Night  1/16 @ 6:15 PM and on zoom    Please NOTE NEW LINK
Call in Number: 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 892 2349 0498
Passcode: 248365

Sunday  1/31
1. Sunday Shacharit  -live service in Synagogue's  social hall@ 8AM.
Also on FB live and zoom:
Password: 248365
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 876 5474 9537 Password: 248365

Reading /discussion group on Halachic Man by Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik - one of the most important works on Jewish thought in the last century. If you didn't get the book yet you can read it here:
You do need to sign up -free of charge. 

We will also post it online during the class. 
Link for class
By Phone: 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 879 0001 2312 Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Monday 2/01 
1. Morning services @ 7AM by Zoom:
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

No classes today

Tuesday 2/02
1. Morning services by Zoom:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

2. New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365  
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

3. Chanie Yaffe's Yiddish Class and Conversation Group  11:15 AM Note New Time
This interactive group explores the rich tradition of the Yiddish language.
Please note new Zoom link:
Dial in: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 881 5534 9161 Passcode: 248365

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New Class! Explore The Haftarot!
Haftarah -in Depth  7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Wednesday 2/03 
Morning services by Zoom 7AM:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365 
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New!  Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.

Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Thursday 2/04
Morning services by Zoom @ 7AM

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password:

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Friday 2/05

Morning Services @7:00AM on Zoom

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password 248365 
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute  Lunch N Learn  12:30- 12:45pm
We'll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Mincha 4:45  Candle Lighting 4:53

if you are attending any live services please review this COVID form - if it's not Shabbat please sign a copy upon attending or sign it and send it to us via email

Follow our website and blog at:
Our Calendar is Here:

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tu' B'Shvat is NOW! Schedule and thoughts...

Thursday 01/28 -TU Bshvat 

Today is Tu' B'shvat - the New Year for Trees.
We will have a special 30 minute class on Tu' B'shvat today at 1230PM

Special 30 Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 1 pm -Tu B'shvat Edition 
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live


The Big Idea: Trees and Fruits in Judaism: History, Law and Mysticism
Dial- in 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 843 4596 9521 Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Remember to follow the customs for Tu' B'shvat: On the 15th of Shevat on the Jewish calendar we celebrate Rosh HaShanah L'Ilanot,the "New Year for the Trees." Some customs for this day:

• It is customary to increase in the amount of fruits one eats on the 15th of Shevat, in order to praise G‑d who created all these species of fruits.

The blessing recited on fruit is:

(In Hebrew:)

Baruch atah A-donoi, Elo-heinu Melech Ha’Olam borei pri ha-aitz.

Blessed are You, L-rd our G‑d, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the tree.

• In particular, one should include among the fruits one eats on this day the species of fruit which the land of Israel is praised for: grapes, olives, dates, figs and pomegranates.If one eats a sufficient amount of these fruits, one recites the special after blessing Al Ha'aretz ve'al HaPeorot.

• Some have the custom to make an effort and eat at least one fruit which one has not eaten that entire season, and would require the blessing of Shehecheyanu. When eating such a fruit, the Shehecheyanu should be said prior to reciting the blessing of "Haetz." If he has already partaken of other fruits (at that particular sitting) than he only needs to say the Shehecheyanu upon eating the new fruit.

The blessing of Shehecheyanu:

Transliteration: Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam She-heche-ya-nu Ve-ki-yi-ma-nu Ve-higi-a-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.

Translation: Blessed are You, L-rd our G‑d, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.

• Many also have a custom of eating carob on this day.There is yet another custom which many have and that is to eat the Etrog, either in the form of preserves, sugared slices, etc.

• It was the custom of the famed Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria ("Arizal") to eat 15 varieties of fruits on the 15th of Shevat.

• On this day Tachnun is omitted from the Shacharit and Mincha (morning and afternoon) prayers as well as from the Mincha prayer on the afternoon beforehand.

A Thought for Tu B'Shevat
Tu B'Shevat— the 15th of the Hebrew month of Shevat — is known as the "New Year for Trees." Naturally this would be a time for trees to engage in soul-searching — the same way people do on Rosh Hashanah. Here is a tree's New Year Checklist:

● Did I shelter the seedlings that live in my shade — so they will grow up to be a next generation like myself?
● Did I grow towards the sun as a tree should, reaching up higher and higher towards that which I can never grasp, but which nurtures me all the same the more I strive towards it?
● Did I make sure my roots remain firmly planted in the soil that nurtures them, and did I drop my leaves there in the fall to give back life to that which sustains me?
● Did I ensure that my fruits were sweet and nourished all that came to enjoy them? Did everyone walk away from me with a smile?
● Did I bend gently in the wind, accepting what G‑d sends but never breaking or giving up hope?
● Did I grow in strength and wisdom with each new ring this year?
Come to think of it, not a bad checklist for us humans either!


Sunday, January 24, 2021

This week at Bnai Torah

 Sunday  1/24/21 - 11 Shvat

1. Sunday Shacharit  -live service in Synagogue's  social hall@ 8AM.
Also on FB live and zoom:
Password: 248365
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 876 5474 9537 Password: 248365

New SUNDAY CLASS  1/24/21 9:30 AM
Reading /discussion group Halachic Man by Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik - one of the most important works on Jewish thought in the last century. If you didn't get the book yet you can read it here:
You do need to sign up -free of charge. 

We will also post it online during the class. 
Link for class
By Phone: 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 879 0001 2312 Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

 No Mincha and Maariv Zoom this week - if interested in reviving this service please contact Rabbi Yaffe

Monday 1/25 -  12 Shvat
1. Morning services @ 7AM by Zoom:
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365 
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New!  Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.

Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Tuesday 01/26 -13 Shvat
1. Morning services by Zoom:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

2. New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365  
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

3. Chanie Yaffe's Yiddish Class and Conversation Group will meet Tuesday 1/19/2021 at 11:15 AM Note New Time
This interactive group explores the rich tradition of the Yiddish language.
Please note new Zoom link:
Dial in: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 881 5534 9161 Passcode: 248365

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New Class! Explore The Haftarot!
Haftarah -in Depth  7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Wednesday 01/27 - 14 Shvat
Morning services by Zoom 7AM:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

No Wednesday Morning Aggadah Class No Tachanun at Mincha

Thursday 01/28 -TU Bshvat - info to follow in separate email. NO TACHANUN all day

Morning services by Zoom @ 7AM

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password:

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

The Big Idea: Special Tu Bshvat Program - info to follow

Friday 1/29 - 16 Shevat, Erev Shabbat Beshalach

Morning Services @7:00AM on Zoom

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password 
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute  Lunch N Learn  12:30- 12:45pm
We'll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Mincha 4:35  Candle Lighting 4:43

if you are attending any live services please review this COVID form - if it's not Shabbat please sign a copy upon attending or sign it and send it to us via email

Follow our website and blog at:
Our Calendar is Here:

Friday, January 22, 2021

Shabbat Bo schedule - Eruv is DOWN

 Eruv is DOWN this week.

Rest of Schedule will be sent out Motzei Shabbat / Saturday night

Friday Mincha 4:30 PM

Candlelighting 4:34 PM

Morning Services 9AM

Shabbat Mincha 4:20 PM

Havdalah 539PM

Extended Sermon and Havdalah on Zoom 6:05 PM

Follow our website and blog at:
Our Calendar is Here:

Friday, January 15, 2021

Schedule for Shabbat Va'Eira and the following week


Shabbat Va'Eira  and the following week 

Friday 1/15 Erev Shabbat Va'Eira
Mincha 4:20PM  Candlelighting 4:25 PM
Please make sure we have a minyan

Shabbat  Day Va'Eirai 1/16
1. Morning Services 9 AM 
Please recite all prayers  (except Baruch She'amar)  until Mizmor Shir l'yom Hashabbat before arriving at Synagogue . We begin with Baruch She'amar and Mizmor Shir
2.  Mincha followed by ma'ariv 4:10  PM
3. Motzei Shabbat- Shabbat ends 5:31PM 


Havdalah and a deeper dive into today's sermon topic on Facebook Live Saturday Night  1/16 @ 5:55 PM and on zoom    Please NOTE NEW LINK
Call in Number: 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 892 2349 0498
Passcode: 248365

Sunday  1/17/21
1. Sunday Shacharit  -live service in Synagogue's  social hall@ 8AM.
Also on FB live and zoom:
Password: 248365
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 876 5474 9537 Password: 248365

New SUNDAY CLASS  1/17/21 9:30 AM
Reading /discussion group Halachic Man by Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik - one of the most important works on Jewish thought in the last century. If you didn't get the book yet you can read it here:
You do need to sign up -free of charge. 

We will also post it online during the class. 
Link for class
By Phone: 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 879 0001 2312 Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

 No Mincha and Maariv Zoom this week - if interested in reviving this service please contact Rabbi Yaffe

Monday 1/18 -  Martin Luther King Day
1. Morning services @ 7AM by Zoom:
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365 
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New!  Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.

Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Tuesday 01/19
1. Morning services by Zoom:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

2. New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Password: 248365  
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

3. Chanie Yaffe's Yiddish Class and Conversation Group will meet Tuesday 1/19/2021 at 11:15 AM Note New Time
This interactive group explores the rich tradition of the Yiddish language.
Please note new Zoom link:
Dial in: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 881 5534 9161 Passcode: 248365

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

New Class! Explore The Haftarot!
Haftarah -in Depth  7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Wednesday 01/20
Morning services by Zoom 7AM:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

No Wednesday Morning Aggadah Class

Thursday 01/21
Morning services by Zoom @ 7AM

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password:

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute Lunch n' Learn 12:30- 12:45pm
Grab your own (kosher) lunch and take a short Torah break.
We"ll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

The Big Idea: Dreams in Jewish Thought and Law
Dial- in 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 843 4596 9521 Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Friday 1/22 - 10 Shevat, Erev Shabbat Bo

Morning Services @7:00AM on Zoom

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Call in information: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 869 5786 2272 Password 
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Fast 15 -Minute  Lunch N Learn  12:30- 12:45pm
We'll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Every weekday but Wednesday.
Dial in 646 558 8656 US  Meeting ID: 883 9748 2267  Passcode: 248365
Also on YouTube:
Also on Facebook Live

Mincha 4:30  Candle Lighting 4:34

if you are attending any live services please review this COVID form - if it's not Shabbat please sign a copy upon attending or sign it and send it to us via email

Follow our website and blog at:
Our Calendar is Here: