Monday, May 31, 2021

My letter to our community concerning Israel



Dear Friends,

    Many years ago, a dear friend and congregant, a strongly religious and observant Jew, who was a Holocaust survivor told me: “Of course my faith was challenged , of course I have many unanswerable questions, but emerging from the camps I knew one thing: The greatest evil the world had ever seen devoted itself above all else to the annihilation of the Jewish people and therefore Judaism. If the greatest evil the world had ever seen sought to destroy Judaism then Judaism must be the greatest good the world has ever seen”. Hence, his lifelong intense devotion to Judaism and its observance.

So too, today: Much has happened in the last month. Foremost in our minds are the attacks by Hamas and other Arab terrorist groups upon our brothers and sisters in Israel. This was followed by a recently unprecedented degree of Anti-Jewish rhetoric and physical attacks in the USA, the UK, Belgium, and many more places.  In truth, though we have been through worse and G-d willing will get through this.

I see, however, important moral clarity gained from all these unfortunate events. To whit, the hatred of Israel is the hatred of all Jews everywhere. Hamas and its ilk desire there be no Jews G-d forbid in Israel or frankly anywhere in the world. The attacks upon Jews everywhere physically, verbally and in social media demonstrate that none of this is about the so-called “occupation” – it is about the age-old desire to eliminate the Jewish people and their message from the world. However, G-d put us here for a reason, and despite grievous wounds we are still here and will with G-d’s help always be here.

We all are deeply distressed by the loss of lives, especially those of  children on the Arab side. As Jews we treasure every human life. Therefore, let us look at the utter cruelty and disregard for life -even Arab life- displayed by the terrorists.

Look at the profound anti-Semitism of them and their supporters. Look at the murder, callousness and cruelty of all these terrorist movements world-wide.  Look at Israel’s efforts to protect their own and even the lives of many who hate us in Gaza and elsewhere -look at her efforts to minimize the death of those not actively involved in wanton attempts to murder the innocent. Evil seeks to destroy good, and the treasure of goodness preserved by our people through everything is the heritage and hope of humanity.

So, let me share some things we can do -there is a “soul” and a “body” to this

The ‘Soul”: Let us redouble our engagement in Judaism.

Let us study more Torah that we know what treasures we possess.

Let us remind ourselves that G-d brings success to our efforts – and increase the intensity and involvement in Tefilah – not just prayer but the bonding with a very real G-d who challenges us to seek and discover it.

 Let us increase our involvement in Mitzvot and in particular, Tzedakah -especially for the needs of our family in the Land of Israel.

The “Body”: In  conjunction with  these spiritual efforts let us also build the real world vessels for thar energy. Speak up  -to political leaders, to each other, in person and  on social media on behalf of the Israel and the Jewish people. Speak out against the false narrative of the victimhood of those who embrace mayhem and murder.

As our prophet Isaiah (5:20) said so many years ago -but so applicable to today:

כ  הוֹי הָאֹמְרִים לָרַע טוֹב, וְלַטּוֹב רָע:  שָׂמִים חֹשֶׁךְ לְאוֹר וְאוֹר לְחֹשֶׁךְ, שָׂמִים מַר לְמָתוֹק וּמָתוֹק לְמָר.      20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that change darkness into light, and light into darkness; that change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter! The murderers are the victims? Those who seek the genocidal annihilation of our presence in our land given to us by G-d are somehow on the side of justice? They are crueler to their fellows than Israel is to its actual enemies!

Call out clearly on every platform you have that the Land of Israel belonging to the Jewish people is an intrinsic, key, element of Judaism and asking a Jew to give that up or deny it is to ask a Jew to repudiate Judaism as a whole!

But light drives away dark, not a broom. Let us focus on the wonderful gift Judaism is and let us share its universal values as embodied in the Noahide Laws with all. There are so many moral and ethical challenges out there that Judaism has a clear view on -and these are the universal values  contained in the torah for the benefit of all humanity. Study them, and share them.

I do not doubt that over time -if we remain strong in what is right even our bitterest enemies will see the folly of their ways benefit of the universal aspects  of the Torah that leaves room for every human to attain all possible good.

I know we feel deeply about these issues, if anyone would like to discuss them, my physical and virtual doors are always open to hearing from, and dialoguing with, each and every one of you

Also, we had a wonderful Shavuot, with more people in our Shul than I have seen for a long time. We saw a good  number of Thank G-d children, also. We continue to make bespoke tutoring available to any Jewish child needing it -please contact us if you know of any who might benefit.

Most of all us extend our wishes for good health, continued growth in all good things to each one of you

 בברכה / With blessing,

Shlomo and Chana Yaffe

Some our Torah study opportunities: All  on Zoom (call in available)

Tuesday Nights 750 -845 PM: Torah Mysteries: We will explore multiple approaches to some of the challenging and mysterious texts found each week in the Torah reading

Thursday nights 7:50 – 845 PM: The Prophetic Journey: Join us for a deep dive in to the world of the Prophets, who they were, and what their words teach us today.

Every Monday,  Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM / Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM

Friday, May 28, 2021

Important Re-opening information and schedule


Thank G-d -we continue to move in a good direction:
The emergency Covid regulations  for Houses of Worship issued by the Governor of Massachusetts will be rescinded effective  May 29. 2021. The Executive Board of B’nai Torah  has adopted the following COVID Policy  applicable to  our institution effective May 29, 2021:
Masking Policy:
  1. Masking  shall be required  in all indoor areas  of our shul buildings for all individuals including children who have not been fully vaccinated. 
  2.  Individuals who may have had clinical symptoms of COVID, been diagnosed with COVID  by a medical provider, or had positive antibody test  results  during the pandemic but are not  fully vaccinated are not exempt from this masking  requirement.
  3.  Masks shall be worn in a manner to cover both the nose and mouth area.
  4. Individuals who are fully vaccinated for COVID are not required to be masked in the indoor areas of our shul buildings.  We acknowledge and support  the decisions  of  many fully vaccinated  congregants and visitors of the shul  to continue masking in our indoor spaces at this time due to personal concerns or circumstances.
  5. Masks will be made available at the entrance for those who arrive without one.
Seating in indoor areas (Note: To begin Sunday, May 30th 2021):
  • Capacity Limits and spacing requirements required by the Governor’s Orders and CDC guidance for Houses of Worship  have been rescinded.  However, some congregants and visitors may  request others arriving  after them to  select  seating  at a social distance; kindly honor this request when other seating is available.
Kiddushes and Other Events Serving Food Inside the  Shul Buildings:
  • All individuals are welcome to participate in these activities, however, to address COVID safety concerns, unvaccinated individuals  should keep a social distance from  fully vaccinated individuals when eating and masks are removed. Masks shall be reattached  after eating is completed
  •  This policy will be periodically reviewed and is subject to change based on new C.D.C. guidance or to conform to new governmental regulations.
NEW ! Zoom link for all services and classes:
By Phone: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 817 7565 6038 Passcode: 248365


Shabbat Schedule:

Friday  5/28

Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat: 7PM

Candlelighting: 7:57PM

Shabbat Day: 5/29

Shacharit: 9AM

Please Note: We  resume doing the full service from Brachot -but please do recite the three paragraphs of the Shema before arriving in Synagogue so as to conform to the Biblical time for the reading of the Shema which is 9:02 AM

Mincha/ Torah Study/ Maariv: 7:45PM

Havdalah/ Shabbat Ends: 9:10 PM

Schedule for Sunday 5/30

All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above, or click here 

Shacharit: 8AM

Class in Halachic Man via Zoom: 9:30AM

Mincha /Maariv  7PM

Schedule for Monday 5/31

Morning Services- MEMORIAL DAY 8:00am
No classes
Mincha /Maariv 7:00 PM

Schedule for Tuesday 6/1

Morning Services 7AM

Mincha /Maariv 7 PM

New! Parsha- in-Depth Text Study 7:50 -8:45 PM on Zoom

Schedule for Wednesday 6/2

All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above

Shacharit: 7AM

Mincha /Maariv 7 PM

Schedule for Thursday 6/3
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above 

Shacharit: 7AM

The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM

Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM

Mincha /Maariv 7 PM

New! Let's Meet the Prophets:  A deep dive into a very misunderstood group of women and men 7:50 -8:45PM on Zoom

Schedule for Friday 6/4
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above

Shacharit: 7AM

The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM

Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM

Mincha /Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM

Candle Lighting  8:02PM

Friday, May 21, 2021

Keep Israel in Mind! Schedule for Shabbat and the whole week


A short  note from Rabbi Y.


Our Parsha begins with the word "Naso"  -"to lift up" -our heads and be counted. Let us lift up our heads proudly as Jews and be counted in our strength and resolve.

Even though this war with the various groups of Arab terrorists in Israel is over, Please keep our brothers and sisters in Israel in your prayers and your advocacy.

Don't let your friends, relatives and anyone you know be hoodwinked by any narrative that claims Israel is any way to blame for the deaths in this fighting.
 No rockets and no riots, then  no deaths. Don't hide your rockets next to kids, no kids have to die.

Be forceful, be unwavering and let's add to our  Prayer, Mitzvot and Torah study. It is our spiritual power together with doing the right and sensible real world steps (for example no concession to terrorists whatsoever, ever)  that will cause G-d to send his blessings upon Israel.

Regarding Prayer: 1-3 more people for each morning and evening weekday service will ensure we have a minyan every day. This is very important at this time. 
Please come! whenever you can, and let me know which day(s) you are coming
NEW ! Zoom link for all services and classes:
By Phone: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 817 7565 6038 Passcode: 248365


Shabbat Schedule:

Friday 5/21/21- 10 Sivan

Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat: 7PM

Candlelighting: 7:50PM

Shabbat Day: 5/22/21 - 11Sivan

Shacharit: 9AM

Please Note: We  resume doing the full service from Brachot -but please do recite the three paragraphs of the Shema before arriving in Synagogue so as to conform to the Biblical time for the reading of the Shema which is 9:02 AM

Mincha/ Torah Study/ Maariv: 7:40 PM

Havdalah/ Shabbat Ends: 9:03 PM

Schedule for Sunday 5/23/21

All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above, or click here 

Shacharit: 8AM

Class in Halachic Man via Zoom: 9:30AM

Mincha /Maariv  7PM

Schedule for Monday 5/24/21 

Morning Services- 7:00am

Mincha /Maariv 7:00 PM

Schedule for Tuesday 5/25/21

Morning Services 7AM

Mincha /Maariv 7 PM

New! Parsha- in-Depth Text Study 7:50 -8:45 PM on Zoom

Schedule for Wednesday 5/26/21

All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above

Shacharit: 7AM

Mincha /Maariv 7 PM

Schedule for Thursday 5/27/21
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above 

Shacharit: 7AM

The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM

Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM

Mincha /Maariv 7 PM

New! Let's Meet the Prophets:  A deep dive into a very misunderstood group of women and men 7:50 -8:45PM on Zoom

Schedule for Friday 5/28/21
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above

Shacharit: 7AM

The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM

Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM

Mincha /Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM

Candle Lighting -7:57PM

Friday, May 14, 2021

Shabbat, Special Happenings for Shavuot and more!


This year we are open for Shavuot - we will have a Tikkun (Shavuot Eve Study), a Kiddush Luncheon in a bag to eat outdoors or at home and much more

Shavuot is when we renew our commitment to the Torah and its Study.

Now is a good time to choose one of our many learning opportunities available on Zoom and join us regularly
Zoom link for all services and classes:

By Phone: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 892 0047 1872 Passcode: 248365

Shabbat Schedule:

Friday 5/14/21- 3 Sivan

Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat: 7PM

Candlelighting: 7:43PM

Count Omer 48

Shabbat Day: 

Shacharit: 9AM

Please Note: We  resume doing the full service from Brachot -but please do recite the three paragraphs of the Shema before arriving in Synagogue so as to conform to the Biblical time for the reading of the Shema

Mincha/ Torah Study/ Maariv: 7:35 PM

Havdalah/ Shabbat Ends: 8:55PM

Count Omer 49
Schedule for Sunday 5/16/21   Shavuot Eve 

All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above, or click here 

Shacharit: 8AM

Class in Halachic Man via Zoom: 9:30AM

Yom Tov Candle Lighting 7:45 PM

Zoom Yizkor for those who can't come to Shul -6:30 PM
By Phone: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 892 0047 1872 Passcode: 248365

Mincha 7PM

Tikkun / Torah Study 7:15 - 9PM (two sessions)

Holiday Maariv and Light Kiddush refreshment to take outdoors or home -  9PM
Schedule for Monday 5/17/21 Shavuot 1st Day

Shavuot, Monday- May 17
Services- 9:00am

Please join us as we stand together and hear the 10 Commandments as we renew our acceptance of the Torah! 

Hear the Ten Commandments- 10:00am

Kiddush Dairy Luncheon in a Bag after services

Individual wrapped ice cream for kids!

Mincha /Maariv 7:45 PM

Candle Lighting for Shavuot Day 2  not before 8:57PM

Schedule for Tuesday 5/18/21

Yom Tov Shacharit / Book of Ruth: 9AM

Yizkor 10:30AM

Mincha /Maariv 7:45 PM

Havdalah / Yom Tov ends 8:58PM
Schedule for Wednesday 5/12/21

All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above or click here

Shacharit: 7AM

Mincha /Maariv 7 PM
Schedule for Thursday 5/20/21
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above or click here

Shacharit: 7AM

The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM

Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM

Mincha /Maariv 7 PM

The Big Question: Genetic Science and Judaism Part 1 - 7:50 PM
Schedule for Friday 5/21/21
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above or click here

Shacharit: 7AM

The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM

Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM

Mincha /Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM

Candle Lighting -7:50PM

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Please join us on zoom for prayer and Torah study regarding the situation in Israel


Please join us for a special session as we pray for our
brothers and sisters in Israel.
We will follow with Torah discussion on these issues.

The Big Idea Class at B'nai Torah -Tonight, Thursday, 5/13 at 7:50pm

Zoom Link for all services and classes this week

By Phone: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 892 0047 1872 Passcode: 248365

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Briefing on situation in Israel. From our Federation.

Dear Friends,


As the situation seems to be escalating in Israel, our partnership with JAFI and Partnership2Gether is offering the opportunity for us to learn what is happening in Israel beyond the headlines we are seeing in the news. Please follow the link below at 1:00 PM to participate in this special briefing with Ambassador Dr. Michael Oren. – Stewart Bromberg, CEO Federation.


Message from Naveh Yogev, P2G Director

Afula- Gilboa- Southern New England


In the past 24 hours we are experiencing an escalation in violence in Israel, from Jerusalem and throughout the country. Our partnerships have been instrumental in responding pro-actively to the situation – each according the their specific regional needs.


We would like to invite you, and whomever you think could benefit, to a special briefing with Ambassador Dr. Michael Oren, allowing an opportunity to understand what is happening beyond the headlines.

In Israel, Ambassador Oren served as an officer in the Israel Defense Forces, in the paratroopers in the Lebanon War, a liaison with the U.S. Sixth Fleet during the Gulf War, and an IDF spokesman during the Second Lebanon War and the Gaza operation in January 2009. He acted as an emissary to Jewish refuseniks in the Soviet Union, as an advisor to Israel's delegation to the United Nations, and as the government's director of Inter-Religious Affairs. He was a gold medal-winning athlete in the Maccabiah Games.


Briefing will take place today, at 1:00pm EST, using this link:


This briefing has been quickly arranged and we apologize if you are unable to attend.


Looking forward to quieter times,



Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts

1160 Dickinson Street

Springfield, MA  01108

Phone:  (413) 737-4313 ext. 237

Fax:  (413) 737-4348




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Friday, May 7, 2021

Schedule and Special Events

A short  note from Rabbi Y.

Thank G-d, opening proceeds apace and we are resuming more and more people- facing activities.

What remains the same is our connection to G-d and to each other no matter what the obstacles. The Torah speaks of "Bechukotai" following G-d's statutes.

The word actually mean "that which is engraved".

Our Judaism is not written on us -writing that an be erased, but engraved- it is part of us and and it can be temporarily hidden and fill with debris but it remains there, always.

A quick puff of air and we can see it again.

A little involvement in a Mitzvah or Torah study or Prayer is "breath of fresh air" that blows away the dust that hides the true self.

Zoom link for all services and classes:

By Phone: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 892 0047 1872 Passcode: 248365

Shabbat Schedule:

Friday 5/7/21 25 Iyar

Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat: 7PM

Candlelighting: 7:36PM

Count Omer 41

Shabbat Day: 

Shacharit: 9AM

Please Note: We  resume doing the full service from Brachot -but please do recite the three paragraphs of the Shema before arriving in Synagogue so as to conform to the Biblical time for the reading of the Shema

Mincha/ Torah Study/ Maariv: 7:25 PM

Havdalah/ Shabbat Ends: 8:46PM

Count Omer 42
Schedule for Sunday 5/9/21
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above, or click here 

Shacharit: 8AM
Class in Halachic Man via Zoom: 9:30AM
Mincha /Maariv 7PM 
Special Yom Yerushalayim Service 
Count Omer 43
Schedule for Monday 5/10/21 Yom Yerushalayim
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above click here

Shacharit: 7AM - Special Yom Yerushalayim Service 
The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM
Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM
Mincha /Maariv 7 PM
Count Omer 44
Schedule for Tuesday 5/11/21
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above or click here

Shacharit: 7AM
Yiddish with Mrs. Yaffe: 1130AM
Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM
Mincha /Maariv 7 PM
Secrets of the Haftarah - 7:50 PM
Count Omer 45
Schedule for Wednesday 5/12/21
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above or click here

Shacharit: 7AM

Mincha /Maariv 7 PM
Count Omer 46
Schedule for Thursday 5/13/21
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above or click here

Shacharit: 7AM
The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM
Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM
Mincha /Maariv 7 PM
The Big Question: What  Changed at Sinai: - 7:50 PM
Count Omer 47
Schedule for Friday 5/14/21
All Classes and Morning Services are on our Zoom link listed above or click here

Shacharit: 7AM
The Other Side of the Talmud: Aggadah 8:30-9AM
Quick Lunch n' Learn -1230-1245 PM
Mincha /Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM
Candle Lighting -7:43PM

Count Omer 48

Special Events Coming Up: 

1. We will have a special Yom Tov dairy-luncheon-in-a-bag /outdoor safe
Kiddush this Shavuot!

And, to prepare for the holiday, the resumption of our  "Women Connect" program