Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Full Passover Guide Times and Calendar

Dear Friends,

It has come to my attention that not all of you have received  our mailing with the laws and customs of Passover yet. I am replicating it here.  Please read it in full as there is much important information  and  crucial times etc. within. 


B”H    B’nai Torah Passover Laws, Customs and Seder Guide 5780 / 2020

This is a difficult year if you have trouble with any aspect of Passover please contact Rabbi Yaffe ASAP

  1. Passover is a holiday on which, aside from the regular holiday obligations, we are also commanded (Exodus 13:3–7): “No Chametz shall be eaten . . . For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread . . .  and no leaven shall be seen of yours [in your possession].” We accomplish this by cleaning and inspecting our homes well before Passover, and eliminating chametz from the home and Jewish institutional buildings
  1. Chametz  (also spelled "hametz" or "chometz") is any food product made from wheat, barley, rye, oats or spelt that has come into contact with water and been allowed to ferment and “rise.” In practice, just about anything made from these grains—other than Passover matzah, which is carefully controlled to avoid leavening—is to be considered chametz. This includes flour (even before it is mixed with water), cake, cookies, pasta, breads, and items that have chametz as an ingredient, like malt.
  1. According to Jewish law, it is forbidden to eat chametz after the fourth halachic hour (in Greater Springfield, MA, for 2020, that is 10:40 AM on 14 Nissan, the morning before Passover).  
  1. All chametz should be burned before the sixth hour (in Greater Springfield, MA for 2018 -that is- 11:46 AM on Wednesday, April 8th 14, Nissan, the morning before Passover) . From then until after Passover is over no Chametz may be owned or consumed. 
Please note that Chametz in your garbage cans is owned by you and presumed edible, so all Chametz refuse must be off your property by 11:46 AM on Wednesday 4/8/20.

Why does the prohibition start before Passover begins? The Torah states: “You shall slaughter the Passover sacrifice to the L‑rd, your G‑d. . . . You shall not eat leaven with it.”Tradition interprets this to mean that the prohibition of chametz starts from the time when the Passover sacrifice could be offered: from midday of the 14th of Nissan.
Remember to do the Eruv Tavshilin before Sunset!

  1. Getting rid of Chametz: Long before Passover begins, we clean our homes, offices, and any other place that belongs to us to rid our homes of chametz. Although it’s praiseworthy to be stringent on Passover, keep in mind that dust isn’t chametz. The main purpose of cleaning and searching for chametz is to remove any chametz that one may come to inadvertently eat or derive benefit from during Passover. This obligation of getting rid of chametz does not extend to inedible chametz or tiny crumbs or particles of chametz that are soiled or spoiled. So the key areas to focus on are things that may come in contact with food, since we are forbidden to eat anything with even a trace of chametz.
  1. The kitchen should be thoroughly cleaned, and all surfaces should be covered or koshered. Additionally, if you’re using your regular utensils or appliances for Passover, they will need to be koshered.  Some non-food items, such as vitamins and cosmetics, may contain chametz and will need to be disposed of or sold (see below). Please consult the OU Passover Guide for a list of permissible and prohibited items. 
  1. The Search: On the eve of the 14th of Nissan, with just 24 hours to go to the Seder, we search our property—including home, office and car—for any chametz that may have been missed in the cleaning process. The custom is to conduct the search using a candle, feather, wooden spoon and a (paper) bag for collecting any chametz found. Have someone place 10 pieces of bread throughout the house to be found during the search.
  1. Following the search for chametz, we recite a “nullification statement” renouncing all ownership of any chametz that, unbeknownst to us, may still be in our possession. The nullification statement should be said in a language that you understand, in English it as follows: All leaven or anything leavened which is in my possession, which I have neither seen nor removed, and about which I am unaware, shall be considered nullified and ownerless as the dust of the earth.  Through nullifying our chametz, we consider it as no more than dust and thus ownerless, thereby fulfilling the mitzvah of removing chametz from our possession.
  1. Sale of Chametz:  Chametz Food and Utensils used for chametz (and chametz itself that you are reluctant to dispose of) may be sold to a person who is not Jewish for the duration of Passover. The sold chametz and utensils should be set aside in a designated place (e.g., closet or cabinet), which is rented to the non-Jewish buyer until after Passover. This storage place should be clearly marked, so no one can take anything from there through force of habit. The sale of chametz to the non-Jew is not a symbolic sale, but a legally binding transaction, and must therefore be conducted by a competent rabbi.  After writing a bill of sale, one may leave the chametz in his home without transgressing the prohibitions of not seeing or having chametz, since the chametz no longer belongs to him. 
  1. The Burning:  THIS YEAR DUE TO THE COVID THERE WILL BE NO PUBLIC BURNING OF THE CHAMETZ AT CBT -USE YOUR OWN BBQ  AT HO,ME ETC OR FLUSH IT AWAY. On the 14th of Nissan, before the sixth hour of the day, (4/8 11:46A) we burn any chametz that we still have. This includes the bag of chametz from our search the previous night. After the chametz is burned, we again recite a nullification statement. However, this nullification statement has a slightly different wording than what was said at night after the search for chametz. The statement recited at night includes only chametz that was missed in the search but doesn’t include chametz set aside to be sold or eaten in the morning. When we burn the chametz, the statement includes all chametz that may still be in our possession and serves as a final “safety measure” for a chametz-less Passover.  In English it reads as follows: All leaven or anything leavened which is in my possession, whether I have seen it or not, whether I have observed it or not, whether I have removed it or not, shall be considered nullified and ownerless as the dust of the earth.
  1. Kitniyot: Due to the gravity of the prohibition of chametz, the medieval Ashkenazic rabbis also forbade the consumption of any kitniyot (very loosely translated as “legumes”) on Passover, since they can be confused with the forbidden grains, and because they are similar in texture to chametz—even bread can be made out of their flour—so people might assume that if, for example, cornbread can be eaten on Passover, wheat or rye bread can be eaten too. This is not binding on Sefardic, Yemenite. Maghrebi and Mizrachi Jews. There are varying customs about this in these communities, do ask. If an Ashkenazi Jew visits a member of another community, she, he must still avoid kitniyot. The prohibition extends only to the consumption of kitniyot; there is no obligation to destroy or sell kitniyot products before Passover, and we can derive benefit from kitniyot products (e.g., pet food) during Passover.
  1. Post Passover Chametz?  Due to the severity of the prohibition of owning chametz on Passover, the rabbis of the Talmud established an after-the-fact penalty for owning any chametz products during Pesach. This prohibition is known as chametz she’avar alav haPesach. One may not consume or even derive benefit from such chametz, and if chametz is found either on or after Passover that was owned by a Jew during Passover, it needs to be destroyed. So, what does that mean on a practical level? When you’re purchasing chametz products after Passover from a Jewish-owned store, the owner cannot have owned that chametz during Passover. If he did, you’ll need to refrain from purchasing any chametz products there until it is deemed that a sufficient amount of time has passed for all of those chametz products to have been sold. This is a significant issue with breweries and distilleries. This prohibition does not apply to kitniyot, since one is permitted to own it on Passover.
  1. Eradication of Chametz: Any area where one can reasonably suspect that chametz might have been brought throughout the year must be thoroughly cleaned. This includes the home, office, cars, garage, etc. Check carefully to ensure that no crumb is left behind: check and clean desks, drawers, closets, clothing pockets (especially the children’s), pocketbooks, briefcases and attache cases, beds, dining and living room furniture, bookcases, etc.  Preparing the Kitchen: Every part of our homes is cleaned for Passover, but we pay special attention to the kitchen, because (a) that’s where most of our chametz hangs out during the year, and (b) we will be using our kitchens to prepare our Passover food.
  1. Today, most Passover-savvy homes have a special set of dishes, silverware, pots, pans and other utensils for Passover use only. If necessary, certain year-round utensils can be used—provided they are koshered for Passover. This gets rather complex—you’ll need to consult a competent rabbi about your particular utensils.
  1. Stove: Thoroughly clean and scour every part of the stove. Heat the oven to the highest temperature possible for 1–2 hours. Heat the grates and the iron parts of the stove (and the elements, if electric) until they are red-hot. It is suggested that the oven and the stove top should be covered with aluminum foil afterwards for the duration of Passover.
  1. Microwave Ovens: Clean the oven thoroughly. Fill a completely clean container, that was not used for 24 hours, with water. Turn on the microwave and let it steam heavily. Turn it off and wipe out the inside. To use the microwave during Passover, use a flat, thick, microwave-safe object as a separation between the bottom of the oven and the cooking dish. When cooking or warming, the food should be covered on all sides.
  1. Sink: For 24 hours before koshering the sink, do not pour hot water from chametz pots into it. Meticulously clean the sink, boil water in a clean pot which was not used for 24 hours, and pour three times onto every part of the sink, including the drain stopper. Then line the sink with foil or liner.
  1. Refrigerator, Freezer, Cupboards, Closets, Tables, and Counters: Thoroughly clean and scrub them to remove any crumbs and residue. Afterwards, place a heavy covering over those surfaces that come into contact with hot food or utensils.
  2. Tablecloths and Napkins: Launder without starch.
  1. Cars, Garages, etc.: Vacuum your car or van; thoroughly clean your basement, garage, or any property you own. Special care should be taken with items you will be using, or rooms you will be accessing, during Passover.
  1. Passover Shopping: While shopping for Passover we must be careful that the foods we buy are not only kosher, but are also kosher for Passover—that is, chametz-free.
  1. Starting “From Scratch”: All fruits and vegetables, as well as all kosher cuts of meat and kosher fish, are kosher for Passover, provided they have been prepared in accordance with Jewish law and have not come into contact with chametz or chametz utensils.
  1. Commercially Prepared Products: Today there are many kosher-for-Passover packaged foods available. However, care must be used to purchase only those packaged foods that have reliable rabbinical supervision which is valid for Passover. Obviously, all leavened foods made from—or that contain among their ingredients—wheat, barley, rye, oats, or spelt are actual chametz and are prohibited on Passover. Examples are bread, cake, cereal, spaghetti, beer and whiskey. Check That Medicine Cabinet! Many medicines, sprays, and cosmetics contain chametz. Consult a competent rabbi as to which ones may be used on Passover. The same applies to pet food. SEE THE OU GUIDE, Please allow time  after Passover ends to use Chametz we sold,  to give the Rabbi time to buy it back e.g. no earlier than 9:30PM
The Seder This year as per health advice concerning COVID19 -you should only share the Seder with those who are part of your household who you are in regular contact with anyway:  1. Seder Ingredients: Matzah, the “Food of Faith When our forefathers left Egypt, they were in such a hurry that there was no time to wait for the dough to rise. They therefore ate matzah, unleavened bread. With only this food (but with great faith), our ancestors relied on the Almighty to provide sustenance for the entire Jewish nation—men, women and children. Each year, to remember this, we eat matzah on the first two nights of Pesach, thereby fulfilling the Torah’s commandment, “Matzot shall you eat . . .” Matzah symbolizes faith. In contrast to leavened bread, matzah is not enriched with oil, honey or other substances. It consists only of flour and water, and is not allowed to rise. Similarly, the only “ingredients” for faith are humility and submission to G‑d, which come from recognizing our “nothingness” when compared with the infinite wisdom of the Creator.
  1. One of the holiday’s primary obligations is to eat matzah during the Seder. It is preferable to use shmurah matzah to fulfill this commandment. Shmurah means “watched,” and it is an apt description of this matzah, the ingredients of which (the flour and water) are watched from the moment of harvesting and drawing. Also in the bakery itself, shmurah matzot are under strict supervision to avoid any possibility of leavening during the baking process. This intensive process and careful guarding gives the shmurah matzah an added infusion of faith and sanctity—in fact, as the matzah is being made, all those involved constantly repeat, “L’shem matzot mitzvah”—“We are doing this for the sake of the mitzvah of matzah.”Shmurah matzot are round, kneaded and shaped by hand, and are similar to the matzot that were baked by the Children of Israel as they left Egypt. It is thus fitting to use shmurah matzah on each of the two Seder nights for the matzot of the Seder plate. Please contact Rabbi Yaffe if you would like to order Shmurah through the Synagogue.
  1. Matzah is eaten three times during the Seder:
  1. After telling the story of the Exodus from Egypt (Maggid), washing our hands for bread (Rachtzah) and reciting the blessings (Motzi Matzah), 1¾ ounces of matzah are eaten. If this is difficult an ounce can be eaten.
  2. For the sandwich (Korech), ¾ of an ounce of matzah is eaten.
  3. For the afikoman at the end of the meal (Tzafun), a minimum of ¾ of an ounce (and ideally 1½ ounces) of matzah are eaten. In each instance, the matzah should be eaten within 7 minutes, 9 minutes if difficult. How much is one ounce of Matzah? Half a piece of shmurah matzah is generally one ounce.  If store-bought matzot are used, the weight of the box of matzot divided by the number of pieces shows how much matzah is the equivalent of one ounce.
  4. Wine for the 4 cups: For each of the four cups at the Seder, it is preferable to use undiluted wine. However, if needed, the wine may be diluted with grape juice. (One who cannot drink wine may use grape juice alone.) It is preferable to drink the entire cup each time. However, it is sufficient to drink only the majority of each cup. How large a cup should be used? One that contains at least 3½ fluid ounces. We drink the wine:
    1. At the conclusion of kiddush.
    2. After telling the story of the Exodus from Egypt, before eating the matzah of Motzi Matzah.
    3. At the conclusion of the Grace After Meals.
    4. After reciting the Hallel.

Other important information and schedule
Zoom now requires password access to all sessions. The password to all sessions is

"bnaitorah"  all lower case
Monday 7PM: Final Seder In Depth class -the Key Part of The Seder https://us04web.zoom.us/j/712130634
Wednesday 8AM: Siyum Bechorot online: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/925486070
Because we are not actually sharing a meal together -all first-borns should also "redeem their fast" by giving the value of their normal meals for a regular weekday to charity 

IMPORTANT:  If anyone needs handmade Shmurah Matzah or other Passover needs or financial or physical help with getting what you need for Passover please contact Rabbi Yaffe.

If anyone needs a 
pre-made seder plate and food and grape juice for seders -please let me know! We will provide it !

If you know of anyone who may need help of any sort including financial,  please contact Rabbi Yaffe  

B) I miss seeing you all, but please do stay in touch. Everything we do is available on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bnai.torah.1 and listed on our  blog https://bnaiblog.blogspot.com/  the blog is updated regularly and accessible from our webpage www.bnaitorahma.org

For those who were not able to immerse vessels this year because of limited Mikvah Access -you can sell them a 30 day period just like selling Chametz - go here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9IrSF0L328QRUlFA3D4YpAcotZgrav-u6UAFDXZXOCquxDw/viewform
There will be no Public Chametz Burning this year -do it on a Chametzdig BBQ etc in your own yard etc 

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