Friday, March 12, 2021

Eruv is still down & Schedule for this Shabbat and week of 3/13 -3/19

 Eruv is Still down.

Due to the fact that the issue is on property belonging to the electric utility we have to work with them. They have been forthcoming in their help. We are G-d willing on target to have the Eruv fixed by Erev Pesach (3/26)
Shabbat HaChodesh, Mevarchim, Erev Rosh Chodesh schedule:  
Friday 3/12 
Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 5:25PM 
 Candle Lighting 5:34PM

Shabbat 3/13
Morning Services 9AM
Mincha/ Torah Study /Maariv 5:20PM
Shabbat ends 638PM
Zoom Havdalah and extended sermon 7:05PM

NEW Zoom Information and this week's schedule:
All previous zoom links are canceled. Instead there will be ONE Zoom link for all Services, and all Classes. For security reasons we will change it each week 
One Link To Rule Them All (Sorry Mr. Tolkien):
Dial In Information: 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 892 0047 1872 Passcode: 248365
Also on Facebook Live

Schedule Sunday 3/14 -Rosh Chodesh 
If your physician says you can come -do come!  We need a minyan right at the beginning of the service 
8AM Live and Zoom service
10 AM Halachic Man discussion group -Note Time Change due to Rosh Chodesh service 
Monday  3/15
7:00AM Morning Services on Zoom
8:30 -9AM Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
12:45pm Fast 15 -Minute  Lunch N Learn 
We'll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. 

Tuesday  3/16
7:00AM Morning Services on Zoom
8:30 -9AM Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 

 11:15AM Mrs Yaffe's Yiddish Class
12:45pm Fast 15 -Minute  Lunch N Learn 
We'll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. 


Wednesday  3/17
7:00AM Morning Services on Zoom
8:30 -9AM Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
12:45pm Fast 15 -Minute  Lunch N Learn 
We'll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. 
Please Note Schedule Changes

7:30 PM Special Class: Everything you need to know about this PassoverThis Passover is more even complex than usual because the Eve of Passover is on Shabbat. Join Us for a discussion about navigating Passover this year. Last 20 minutes reserved for Q & A 
Please Note Schedule Changes

Thursday  3/18
7:00AM Morning Services on Zoom
No other classes Thursday
Please Note Schedule Changes

Friday 3/19 -Erev Shabbat Vayikra
7:00AM Morning Services on Zoom
8:30 -9AM Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
12:45pm Fast 15 -Minute  Lunch N Learn 
We'll look at a section of the weekly Torah portion or an upcoming holiday and grab 15 minutes of spiritual invigoration in the middle of the day. Mincha /Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:35PM
Candle Lighting 6:42PM

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