Friday, April 30, 2021

Shabbat Shalom - Responding to the Meron Tragedy & Schedule


We wish you a Shabbat Shalom.  Yet, we are faced with sadness in the midst of joy and darkness amidst light with the terrible tragedy in Meron, Israel on Lag Ba'Omer -last night. Click here for more information

Please click here for a very moving article expressing the feelings of the Jewish people at this moment: 

Let us respond in the three ways that Jews have for all our existence:

1. Tzedakah - Charity; A good idea would be to donate to an organization that was there at the disaster scene helping and sometimes saving such as Magen David Adom  click here to donate.
2.   Tefilah - Prayer - for the bereaved families and for recovery of the injured : The Orthodox Union has suggested reciting Tehillim / Psalms 20,121, and 130 found by clicking here and then choosing those Mizmorim / Psalms from the menu.

3. Torah Study - Study Chapter 4 of Pirkei Avot / Ethics of the Fathers click here - or any piece of  Torah. 

Schedule for Shabbat Emor 18-19 Iyar  4/30 - 5/1 2021

Friday: Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat  7:00 PM
Candlelighting                                         7:28PM
Omer 34 Tonight

Shabbat: 9 AM - Shacharit
Please recite all prayers  (except Baruch She'amar)  until Mizmor Shir l'yom Hashabbat before arriving at Synagogue . We begin with Baruch She'amar and Mizmor Shir

Mincha / Maariv / Torah Study 7:20PM

Havdalah / Shabbat ends 8:37 PM Omer 35 Tonight



Services Monday -Friday 

 Shacharit / Morning Services7AM

7PM Mincha / Maariv - Remember to count the omer after 8:23PM

Zoom link for All services and classes :
By Phone: 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 892 0047 1872 Passcode: 248365

Weekly Schedule of Classes - All classes are on our Zoom link listed above

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
8:30 - 9:00 AM The Other Side of The Talmud - The Aggadah
12:30 -12:45 PM Quick Lunch N' Learn - Weekly Torah Portion (grab your own lunch)

No class this Sunday.
This Sunday morning at 8AM services our son, Shneur Zalman Yaffe will begin putting on Tefillin in preparation for   his Bar-Mitzvah which follows with G-d's help in two months time.  Zalman will share a few words with us afterwards. Please join us in person or by Zoom

7:50 -8:40 PM The Haftarah in Depth (Note New Time)

Mrs. Yaffe's Yiddish Class, Tuesday 5/4, is at 1130 AM. Please note 15 minute time change.

On Wednesday 5/5 Rabbi Yaffes 830AM Talmud class and 1230PM Quick Lunch n' Learn will not take place. 

7:50 -8:40 PM  The Big Idea - Exploration of the great themes of Judaism

Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat and that we may  share happy occasions in the future,

Shlomo and Chana Yaffe

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