Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happenings at CBT tonight through Tuesday

Tonight - Sunday night 6/21 - Sivan 29/30 is the first night of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz
Please remember to say "Ya'ale Ve'yavo" in Maariv tonight

Tomorrow morning, Monday 6/22  is the first day of Rosh Chodesh. Please remember to say the full Rosh Chodesh service for Shacharit and remember Ya'aleh ve'yavo in all 3 services and Grace after meals. 

Rosh Chodesh has a second day and continues Monday night and Tuesday. 

Tuesday morning, 6/23,  we will continue phase B of our re-opening and have a service in the Main Sanctuary at 7AM

Please follow all instructions and precautions outlined in this document:

For those who will be at home  - the service will also be available on Zoom

Pirkei Avot -Ethics of our Fathers follows the service at 8:30 AM on Facebook Live and Zoom:

A Thought: Motives Matter. Today we begin Parshat Korach -about Korach's rebellion. Korach used all the right language "Everyone is Holy" -but he was fighting for his own power -not to help the people of Israel.

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