Thursday, September 17, 2020

Message and Schedule September 17-21 - Including Rosh Hashanah

 Message and Schedule September 17-21 - Including Rosh Hashanah: 

Dear Friends,

5780 had proved to be a very challenging year due to the pandemic. We at Bnai Torah have done our best to stay connected and provide you with your Judaic and other needs. Please let us know what else we can do to be of assistance. 

A Rosh Hashanah Thought: The Heart of the  Matter

1. Without the circulation of the life-giving blood through it, a body is just a collection of lifeless parts.

Our heart makes it possible for the blood to constantly renew the life of the body, pushing the blood through the lungs to oxygenate it, and then throughout the body to vitalize it.

The "body" of creation can be described with two appellations: time and space.

The Creator transcends time and space-–but is constantly bringing them into being.

Our mission is to live in a way that draws down and reveals the vitalizing presence of the Almighty in time and space.

To do this we need a "heart". There is a "heart" of time –the High Holidays.

It is the special strength of this time of year that our prayer, repentance and mitzvot "pump" G‑d's blessing and sustaining life-force for the entire coming year.

This year has been a difficult period in time for us the whole world has been in the grip of a pandemic and other types of malaise 

We pray this year that new life be pumped though the globe giving us a healthy and peaceful year.

2. There is also a "heart" to space –the Land of Israel.

All of the life G‑d gives the world flows through and out of the Land of Israel, the physical place closest to the spiritual realms that are the source of the life-force of existence.

There is a "heart" of time and a "heart" of space

When our brothers and sisters in Israel are free of conflict and trouble they can focus their energy on their good deeds which sustain and circulate the presence of G‑d’s creative power throughout all the cosmos.

We have had good news just now, on this front, that as they have stood strong  and loyal to G-d's gift of our Land, their erstwhile enemies are seeking peace.

 Israel and ourselves in the United States and indeed throughout the world,  remain threatened by this terrible Pandemic.

May G-d send healing to all who need it and we pray that this year we shall be freed from this challenge 

May G‑d’s blessings fill all our moments of the coming year, and all the earth, with holiness, goodness and peace.

3. Chani and I would like to take his opportunity to wish you a Shana tova  -may you be inscribed and sealed for a wonderful , healthy prosperous, uplifting New Year of better times and much Judaic growth. aslo much "naches" from all your family and descendants.

There are many ways to participate in the high Holidays this year -please peruse them carefully and let us know how we can help

Shlomo and Chana Yaffe, your Rabbi and Rebbetzin

Please note that we have Outdoor Tashlich, Mini Service and Shofar at Laurel Park (Laurel Street Entrance)  at 6PM Sunday 9/20.

If you cannot make it to either of CBT's locations or Laurel Park,  we will come to your home to sound the Shofar if you are within walking distance from  2 Eunice Drive 01106 (please don't assume you are not walking distance -call first ). Please contact Rabbi Yaffe on 617.595.6437 -or-  ASAP to arrange this 

High Holiday Schedule for Congregation B'nai Torah 5781
(9/18 -9/21) 
Rosh Hashanah  Schedule:

All services in Synagogue and Social Hall opened up into one huge space. We are following all state regulations and the advice of our medical team.

Friday  9/18 Eve of Rosh Hashanah 
9/18 Eve of Rosh Hashanah Morning: 6:30 AM Selichot Shacharit and Hatarat Nedarim Annulment of Vows:  A Minyan for this is important
IN SYNAGOGUE Service in Social Hall,
also Zoom 

9/18 Eve of Rosh Hashanah Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat : 6:35 PM

Shabbat 9/19
9/19 20 Rosh Hashanah Conventional Shacharit 8:30 – 11:30 AM

9/19 Rosh Hashanah Learners / User Friendly Service 1:30PM -2:30PM

9/19 Mincha/ Maariv 6:35 PM

Sunday 9/20
9/20 Rosh Hashanah Conventional Shacharit 8:30 – 11:45 AM (Shofar)

9/20 Rosh Hashanah 1:45PM – 3:00PM (Shofar)

9/20 Mincha 5:15 PM

9/20 Tashlich / Outdoor Shofar / Laurel Park  6PM
Holiday ends / Havdalah 7:33 PM

Monday 9/21 Tzom / fast of Gedalia: Selichot and Shacharit -645 AM on Zoom 

Mincha Torah /Haftarah reading Live In Social Hall 6:15PM

For those who are praying at home this year due to the pandemic, please
know that we have Machzors for you to borrow for the holiday.

 Please call or email the office to reserve a book and schedule a time to pick it up.   413-567-0036

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